Wednesday, June 1, 2011

5x7 Folded Card

Best Dad Cocoa Father's Day 5x7 folded card
Shutterfly cards for Mother's Day, Valentines Day, Birthdays & more.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, May 13, 2011


There are some VERY nosey people on here that are offended by some things on here - so I'm going to go private :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

5 day check-up!

Caden had his 5 day old doctor's appointment today!

We gave him his first bath this morning, well sponge bath. He hated it! He slept so soundly last night and gave us tons of sleep. We got to the doctor, and he was so asleep but I knew he wanted to eat!

Weight & Height: 6lbs 12oz! 19 inches.

Sleeping: At night, he wakes up every 3 hours. I don't mind getting up with him at all, Tyler helps me a lot and lets me sleep for a few feeds/changes, so it works out well.

Eating: Every 3 hours, today his biggest feed was 3oz!

Clothes: Size newborn. Carter's fits him pretty well, but all other brands are still too big. Target brand is huge on him!

I adore him. He's so perfect! Being a mommy is the best thing in the entire world :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Caden Lawrence's Birth Story!

I was leaking some fluid but had no pain all day. Around 1AM, we went to bed and at 2:30ish, I woke up feeling a pop. I was a tad wet, but nothing too bad. I went to the toilet and had a big gush, followed by a little gush after I stood up. I went and told Tyler I think my water had broken. He sat straight up and said, "REALLY?!" so I called the doctor and we made our way to the hospital!

We got to triage around 3AM, and I was 2CM dilated still. My cervix was very high, so checking me took a few minutes and was very painful. We were brought into L&D around 3:30 and I was set up with my IV of fluids and antibiotics. I was feeling no pain yet. I decided I wanted to get up and walk around then I got onto the birthing ball for about an hour. She checked me around 5AM and I was 4CMs. I started feeling things then, but the ball really helped. I stayed on the ball until she wanted to do my next round of antibiotics.

I was exhausted because I didn't sleep during the night, so I was going on being up 24 hours so the nurse recommended Nubain. It made me feel drunk! It gave me some good sleep, but of course - soon as I got the Nubain, all different doctors wanted to come chat and I couldn't tell you what we talked about.The nurse came and checked me again and said I was still 4CM so she wanted to start Pitocin. I did awful with it because Nubain made me so much more exhausted and with the pain I wasn't able to sleep. I got the epidural around 12, and it was the best choice! During pregnancy, I was nervous about the epidural, but I knew it was a great choice so I could get some sleep before we had to push. Tyler wasn't aloud in the room, so my nurse held me while they did what they needed to do. I felt a bit uncomfortable feeling the catheter go in, but it was heaven after that! Tyler came in to see how I was doing, and I fell right asleep.

The Pitocin did the trick, she checked me around 1:30 and I was 10CM! I was shocked. Tyler ran out to the waiting room to let everyone know. We got ready to push and they asked Tyler to hold my leg. Tyler was getting a little squeemish so my mom took over, which I think was all nerves, so he stood by my head wiping me with a wash cloth while we pushed. After pushing about an hour, his heart rate started to rise. Things started getting hectic because there was discuss or a vacuum birth or c-section if he didn't come out soon. I was falling asleep between pushes and they had me on oxygen to see if that would get his heart back to normal. I was stressed, exhausted, and nervous but that was all the motivation I needed to focus on getting him out. I got him down and he was crowning when they called in the doctor. The doctor was with another patient birthing her baby, and that was the worst thing you could have told me. I started to cry and because the pressure was awful and they were demanding me not to push...get real! They had me do little pushes while she was getting ready, and that really helped. Not a minute later did the doctor sit down that he started coming out. My mom held my leg, Tyler was by my head. I could feel him start to come out when I heard Tyler sobbing telling me that he was right there. One push later, and Caden came into this world at 2:43PM! They let me hold him for a minute, then took him to the warmer where he got all cleaned up and got a good heartbeat going!

Daddy stood by his side the entire time. My mom stayed with me, but would walk over to look at Caden every so often. She gets very sqeemish too, so she didn't want to see anything down there while I was giving the cord blood taken and stitched up. We all guessed he was in the high 7lb - low 8lb range but to our surprise Caden was 7lbs 1oz. They brought him over to me for skin-to-skin and that was the best moment of my entire life. No pain, stitches, or fear could have hindered how precious he was.

He is the best thing in this world. I love him to death. I knew I'd love him, but this love is unimaginable. He is so perfect, and tiny. I just stare at him and fall more in love. He's just 3 days old, and already I can't picture life without him. Tyler is doing amazing. I thought he would be great, but he's just amazing. I'm so happy!

I'm going to post pictures soon :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011's hitting me!

It's officially hitting me that either tomorrow is my last pregnant day, or these are my last few days pregnant!

Physically: I'm sore. I'm 38 weeks pregnant, so that's expected. His head is very low, so my pelvis is killing me. My hips kill me when I wake up every few minutes. I don't remember how it feels to be size 0, and I don't remember how it feels to not be pregnant!

Emotionally: Mainly, anxious and excited! I can't wait to meet him, I can't wait to see what he looks like, and I'm most excited for our first night home when we can snuggle in bed as a family! I'm still nervous, I'm nervous about being induced, possibility of a c-section, and with my complications, I'm nervous for him and how he is doing in there.

Dad's emotions: He's anxious! He's very excited. At Target today, he picked out the cutest onsies and kept asking, "So, he can wear that when we visit my work." He bought a cute book and asked if that can be one of the first books we read to him. He won't admit he's nervous for me and Caden because he doesn't want to worry me, but he is. He's constantly texting while he's at work asking how I'm feeling, etc.

I can't believe I will be a mommy in the next few days. It's so amazing and surreal. I can't wait to see what he looks like and finally have him in my arms. I can't wait to see Tyler hold him for the first time. I'm so excited to put him in all his brand new little clothes. Mostly, I can't wait to have him safe in my arms!

38 weeks!

38 weeks and possibly my last day pregnant.

Tomorrow at 9:30AM, we have an OB appointment and if my BP is still high (as if it's ever been normal throughout pregnancy) - she may induce! Enjoying my last day of pregnancy because this could be my last day of pregnancy, or trying to at least. I feel super hot, sore, and anxious. I'm cleaning and organizing like crazy in case he does come tomorrow/Thursday.

Tyler's coming home in about an hour, we're going to Target and he's making me any kind of dinner and dessert I wish :) Enjoying this because after he's here - no more luxury of eating whatever I'd like!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Come out, come out....but I know where you are!

I've been having contractions all day, since about 5:30 this morning. They've progressively gotten worse, but still no even time gap. I know they're "real" because my Braxton Hicks always stopped with water. As of Friday, I was 2cm and 80%, and at the hospital the monitor showed constant contractions.

So, we're going to Wal-Mart to walk and grab some last minute things. I'm trying to get myself to go into labor before I have to see the doctor sometime this week, I call tomorrow to see when she wants me in...hopefully not tomorrow! I'm certain that if my BP is high, she will induce me.

C'mon out :)